14 May Rules Commonly Attached to Bail
Just because you’ve been granted bail, it doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want. In most cases, bail comes with a list of rules you must follow. Breaking these rules will result in your bail getting revoked and you returning to jail. It could even mean additional charges are filed against you.
Here are rules that are commonly attached to bail.
No Criminal Behavior
Obviously, you should never be engaged in criminal behavior, but that goes double when you’re out on bail. In most cases, being out on bail means you can’t even associate with friends and family members who have a history of criminal behavior. It is in your best interest to stay far away from areas that are recognized as hotbeds for criminal activity.
Avoid Certain People
Don’t be surprised if you’re given a list of people you aren’t allowed to have any contact with while you’re out on bail. There are a variety of reasons why you may be told you can’t have contact with certain people but the most common is because they are witnesses for your case and the court doesn’t want you influencing their testimony.
Stay Put
It’s not unusual for a judge to say you can’t leave town (and in some cases your own property) while you’re out on bail. When you’re released, clarify where you are and aren’t allowed to go and follow these instructions. If the police see you driving through an area that you’re not supposed to be or at a time of the day when you’re bail agreement stipulates that you should be at home, they can arrest you and have your bail revoked.
Don’t be surprised if you have to wear a GPS tracker so everyone can keep track of your location while you’re out on bail.
Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
Avoiding drugs probably falls into the category of not engaging in criminal activity, but it’s worth reviewing a second time. It’s not unusual for sobriety to be a part of the bail agreement. Not only should you not have any drugs or alcohol in your system, but you also shouldn’t have it in your home. Make sure anyone who is living with you understands this. If you have a job, such as bartending, that puts you in contact with alcohol, let the judge know so that the bail agreement can be amended.
If you need help covering the cost of your bail, contact O’ahu Bail Bonds. We offer a variety of options, including flexible payments and zero-interest bail that will help you get the funding needed so you can be released from jail.