Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and liability. You’re essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant does not make his or her payments, skips court, or possibly violate other terms of release that are dependent on the bail bond. We know you desperately just want to co-sign the bail bond because you’re sympathetic for your very close friend or relative, but you should really weigh certain things before signing off:
Luckily, cosigners can request to have their name taken off the bail bond if he or she begins to feel uncomfortable with the defendant. Then the bail bond is retracted, and the defendant will be taken into custody. So, if the accused commits another crime, or the cosigner believes the accused will not go to court, the cosigner has the right to cut ties with the situation to ensure their own safety.
If you are in need of a bail bond for your loved one, please call Hawaii Bail Bonds at (808)253-1676. We can discuss how you might be a cosigner. We protect the rights of the accused but also of the cosigners we are on both of your sides because we work to achieve the best possible outcome for all.